What are Variable Fonts
The typographer John Hudson puts it best variable fonts are “a single font file that behaves like multiple fonts”
30 Great Free Fonts for Commercial and Personal Use
In a previous article, I highlight great free fonts available for download. Unfortunately, not all of the fonts can be used for commercial projects. So here is a list of the best free fonts you can download that are free for all use case scenarios (print, digital, commercial, etc.)
The truth about typefaces that help you read better
30 Great Free Fonts
Designers are always searching for the next best typeface that they can use for their project. But sometimes you and your client don’t have the budget to purchase a new typeface for your project. So here is a list of the best typefaces that are online and can be used for both display and text.
Do We Really Need Another Helvetica?
Every designer has an opinion on Helvetica. With the release of Monotypes Helvetica Now we discuss whether the world really needs another version of Helvetica?
5 Tips To Designing A Typeface Like A Pro
Are you starting to design a typeface? Check out these 5 shortcuts that will make your workflow faster and more efficient.
Best Fonts You’ve Never Heard Of
Most designers end up using the same fonts for every project. This is an ongoing list of fonts you have probably never heard of but should be using in your designs.